Retrofit Challenge

At the current rate of construction, approximately 200,000 new buildings per year are added to the UK’s built environment; the retrofit market consists of 24 million buildings.

To hit our legal requirement of zero carbon emissions by 2050, this means, in the UK, we need to be retrofitting 2,200 properties a day, every day, for the next 30 years. Scaling the solutions we are currently developing to enable such a large and rapid deployment into the retrofit market requires a collaborative, concurrent development of enabling platforms. As we continue to enhance our understanding of building-specific technologies for electrically-led buildings, we are developing new methods of rapidly introducing them to 1,000s of properties at a time across our existing building stock. 

Scaling-up these technologies to address the retrofit challenge will enable us to deliver rapid analysis of required retrofit measures using photogrammetry, systems modelling at building and urban scales, and community-level storage feasibility quantification.